Monday morning started out great - that's Dakota reading the 1st chapter in the book Grandpa's Box. He loves anything having to do with wars and history and the 1st chapter starts right off talking about that so it immediately grabbed his interest. He wanted to keep reading but I wouldn't let him. I told him "No, we have some other things to work on, you can read some more tomorrow." We argued.
We moved on to History - he was supposed to design a shield and draw some symbols of faith to display on a coat of arms he would be making later in the week. It took lots of encouragement to get him started on this because he hates the way he draws. He is a perfectionist. If he can't draw something that looks professional the first time out, he doesn't even want to try. He doesn't quite get the concept of PRACTICE! He finally gets started and I let him work on it for almost an hour...three shields later I finally say "Okay, honey you have done a great job with ALL your shields, but we need to move on to something else." We argued.
Next was Bible Story - Ephesians 6:10-20 - The Armor of God
We opened our Bibles
I read a verse
He read a verse
He stops and says "Mom...I KNOW this story...I've read it like 1000 times. You've already taught it to me like 1000 times! Why do we have to go over it again?!"
(He's right...I've not only been his teacher but I was his Sunday School teacher from the time he was 4 yrs old until he was in 4th grade and I DID teach him all these home, at church, at church camps, at VBS...)
Our next topic was Research and we were supposed to Research "coat of arms" in either a dictionary, online, etc and answer some questions pertaining to the "coat of arms." Awwww, finally! Something he readily agreed to without argument! He loves researching things on the internet...and he loves anything with history so he was eager to start looking this up. But...once again, this turned into an hour long project because he then begin researching OUR family history to see if we had a "coat of arms" and when I suggested he do this later AFTER we finish school....yep, you guessed it - we argued.
I'm completely exhausted with him at this point and we still have Poetry, Bible Study, Math, Language Arts and Science to do.
Poetry - we read a poem together and answer some questions - easy enough - done
Bible Study - this was fun - our verse was Psalm 1:1-2 and we are supposed to memorize it. To help with the memorization they suggest putting hand motions to all the words. We had a good time doing this. It really helped too! The next day we both rememered most of the verse because of the hand motions!
Language Arts - Working on sentence structure - he's a lazy writer (because I haven't required him to be "perfect" about it before) so now I am working on making him a better writer...if that makes sense. He doesn't always remember his punctuation at the end of sentences and he doesn't use commas...he knows to do it, he just doesn't. So that's what we are working on right now.
Math - this was easy because we are working on his times tables - he doesn't know them very well and I have decided to take one set at a time and do them every day until he has mastered them. He's getting there! So today was just flashcards and drills as it has been the last 2 weeks.
Science - we read the 1st 3 pages in the book "One Small Square: Arctic Tundra" but he was supposed to trace a world map and color in the areas of the arctic tundra - forget it - we'd been at it for over 4 hours and we were both whooped!
My Dilemma
Now that I have given you a breakdown of my Monday (and pretty much how the whole week went) let me tell you my dilemma.
For the last several years I have mainly unschooled Dakota. What is unschooling you might ask? Here's a definition I copied off an unschooling website:
Generally, unschoolers are concerned with learning or becoming educated, not with 'doing school.' The focus is upon the choices made by each individual learner, and those choices can vary according to learning style and personality type. There is no one way to unschool.
He has grown and advanced from year to year in this manner of learning...his way. I've taught him that if he is interested in something to go for it, research it, learn about it, absorb it - which he does! In a sometimes obsessive way. I laughingly tell him he's like a dog on a bone sometimes when he is chewing over some new "material."
For the last several years I have mainly unschooled Dakota. What is unschooling you might ask? Here's a definition I copied off an unschooling website:
Generally, unschoolers are concerned with learning or becoming educated, not with 'doing school.' The focus is upon the choices made by each individual learner, and those choices can vary according to learning style and personality type. There is no one way to unschool.
This has been our way of life for the last 4 years. There are areas though that he is just not interested in (math and spelling) and he's probably "behind" his peers in these two areas and this concerns his daddy/my dear husband. It concerns him because he doesn't have the patience to work with Dakota like I do and if something were to happen to me Greg worries about what he would do with Dakota. I truly understand his point of view and I feel like I need to better prepare Dakota, for college or dual enrollment which he could do in the next few years if he chose to go that route.
I am struggling with finding a happy medium with using curriculum and still letting Dakota learn the way I've taught him to learn and the way he actually learns an unschooled fashion. For instance, last week when he wanted to continue reading that book Grandpa's Box and I made him stop because we had to move on to other work....that goes directly against everything I ever wanted to do in his schooling. If he wanted to sit there and read the whole entire book that day...why not? Why shouldn't I let him? How many times have we become so absorbed in a book that you just can't put it down? It's not often he picks up a book and reads like that...he is such a video game nut so I should have been thrilled he wanted to keep reading and just let him read to his heart's content!
In the drawing part where he had to draw a shield and a coat of arms - it took so long to get him started doing it because I have to encourage him and talk him into "just doing it" and "practice makes perfect" - then after he works on it for awhile I make him stop. That is crazy! I was kicking myself later that day because I should have let him sit there and work on it as long as he wanted to...he WAS practicing for gracious sake!
Same thing goes with the Research on the internet...people get paid big bucks for being able to research things online. I know many, many people who don't even consider the internet when they are needing information. Here's my 12-yr-old who can find his way around the internet for everything! He can research with the best of them and LOVES doing it. He gets started researching one thing and it leads to another more equally interesting thing and then here comes mom....SQUASH! Ugh, I was kicking myself about that one too - why did I stop him from doing that?
Do I sound like I'm being hard on myself? You know what Dakota told me yesterday?
"Mom...quit being a mom!" (as in give me a break and lay off!)
Hmmm, I guess we've had a rough week.
Don't ask me why, I've never noticed your homeschooling blog over there on the right. We homeschool, too!
I'm kind of torn. I am not a structured person, at all. Therefore, my kids aren't. Well, let's just say, my son isn't. My daughter loves structure, and has created her own for school. My son and I get his stuff done when we get it done. We were unschoolers, too, until I realized my son needed reading help, badly. So, I enrolled him in a class (there a homeschool school - one day a week - in our town), and he's thriving now. But, he much prefers to work on his music than do school. So, he gets lots of time for that.
I think I'd have a hard time stopping Dakota from reading something he's enjoying. Why not do a few subjects a day, instead of all of them, everyday? This idea works very well for my daughter. She loves to do Math, or Literature for several hours at a time. We have her doing four subjects this semester, and four next semester, so she doesn't have too many things to juggle.
Hey, in homeschooling, we have the advantage of teaching to the kid. Maybe you and Dakota should have a pow-wow about his ideas, too. :-)
This was an interesting post! I think maybe a combination of both would be good- structure and his interests. Maybe if you ease him into more structure being he isn't used to it. I'm a former teacher, but I've never homeschooled, so only you will know what is best as you work with him. Pray and trust your judgement is my advice! Clair posted some interesting suggestions, too about continuing to teach the same subject if he has an interest-visit a different subject the next day. My daughter is in public school and we are going to start schooling her at home but through Cyberschool. I'll be starting in a few weeks. I have a very creative, curious, independent, headstrong child who loves to learn, so this should be an interesting journey!! By the way, thanks for visiting my blog today and commenting on WW! Take Care!! I'll visit again and I hope that you will come back to God's Shining Stars!!
I homeschool too. My 16yo uses a traditional curriculum but we plan a more unschooling approach with our 3yo when the time comes. I think I would require a little each day of his weaknesses but otherwise take a more relaxed approach. Once math is done let him read all day or research or whatever he's working on that day. That will take the stress off you abd make it more enjoyable for him too.
Thanks for visiting Shore's End.
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